
The materials required:

- Caustic soda (soda ash) 45 gr
- Cold water 150 cc
- 45 gr STTP
- Cold water 150 cc
- Soda Ash 105 grams (plus cold water) 300 cc (plus CMC) 30 g
- ABS 300 gr
- Perfume 3 cc
- Gilding color 1 cc

Detergent Making Process
1. Mixed caustic soda, cold water, and dye and stirred until uniform.
2. Combine STTP and cold water, is separated from the mixture of the first mixture. Stirring for a while because STTP difficult to dissolve.
3. The third mixture is Soda Ash and water, stirred until dissolved and then add CMC, stirring constantly, mix until a pasty jelly.
4. The first and second mixtures are mixed and kept churning until evenly distributed, as evenly enter the third mixture and stirring constantly.
5. Pour the mixture ABS and stirring, stirring should be diligent, thorough, and perfect. By a chemical reaction liquid turned into cream.
6. After a cold cream, add perfume/fragrance, stirring to evenly distributed throughout the cream that made.
7. Detergents packaged and ready for use.

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